So I looked and looked, and for bees? This is it folks! Ive gott nothing else besides one in a bear set with a bee the size of a pencil-top eraser! So then I set out on how to use it and this is what I came up with!
This first one I left blank inside and it can be used for just about anything, a congrats for promotion or good news, is what I had in mind. I used my Peachy Keen Bee for both cards but typed up my own sentiment for this one, since I couldn't find anything sufficient. I made the background by stamping the bee in b&w, then popped up one stamped on yellow and added a matching sentiment strip by MFT. A little glossy accents makes the wings and "helmet" look darker but I couldn't get a good reflective photo.
My second card used the same bee, but this one is more focused on sentimental support. I recently saw Hannelie do some stripes or base design by cutting strips or even tiny squares, so I was inspired by her. I heat embossed the sentiment and popped up the little bee, after he was perfectly glossed.
This card will also go to Case This Sketch #327, the sketch is tipped over on it's side but it's there!
ETA: Forgot my double photo in my haste, please forgive me...

Thanks for stopping in and sharing a moment with me!